Friday, November 15, 2013

Sky View Nov 15-24, 2013

Staff Writer, DL Mullan

A favorite activity for some VDP residents is to do a little stargazing and November 2013 will not disappoint.

In the evenings, Venus can be seen in the South, Southwestern sky as the Moon continues to get brighter until the Full Moon on November 18th and decreases through the Last Quarter on the 25th and New Moon on December 2nd.

The image above details how one can find the Comet ISON on the 24th. With a telescope or binoculars, this comet will be sure to be a crowd pleaser.

If you are up later in the evening, you will be sure to see the Seven Sisters overhead followed by Orion and then the bright Jupiter. Even with a pair of good binoculars, a viewer can see pinpricks of light shining around the aura of Jupiter, that would be his moons.

The next three mornings will show Mercury about 10 degrees above the horizon and will be at its apex on the 17th before sunrise.

So grab a sweater and your favorite apparatus... the sky is full of viewable goodies for the rest of this November.