Tuesday, April 29, 2014

US ‘At War’ with Africa, Fashion Revolution Day, World Bank’s Privatizing Water & ReWilding

Staff Writer, Katrina Chisveski
News / Government

Abby Martin remarks on the anniversary of the Rana Plaza garment factory collapse in Bangladesh, highlighting a day of action called Fashion Revolution Day holding vigils for the victims and raising awareness for the issue. The scope of US military operations in nearly every country in Africa, in the form of everything from drone bases, surveillance installations and even boots on the ground. The national spokesperson for the Friends of Congo, Kambale Musavili, discusses the anniversary of the Rwandan genocide as well as the ongoing conflict that continues to plague the region. The World Bank’s absurd plans to address the global water crisis through privatizing this valuable resource. Finally, Daniel Vitalis a pioneer in the ReWilding Movement, a call to return human beings to a lifestyle that conforms to their biology by forgoing a culture that keeps people separate from nature.

Source: Breaking the Set