Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thank you, KTVK, Channel 3 for the Coverage

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
News / Credit

I am the kind of person to give credit where credit is due.

Our very own Channel 3 did a story on our fight against a developer and his law firm, who were both trying to destroy our golf course in order to place cookie cutter houses on it instead. It's such a great story that I'm surprised more stations hadn't picked it up earlier. 

At least Channel 3 has shown good taste and provided us with another outlet to tell our story. 

So the residents of Villa de Paz thank you for your professionalism and journalistic integrity.

If you want to watch the coverage and read the article, please visit: Neighbors teed off about possible plans to demolish longtime Valley golf course by Tami Hoey.

Thanks again!